
Craignish Coastal Rowers - part of Craignish Boat Club
The St Ayles skiff that had been built in the community, with the financial assistance of the Craignish Community Company, and was launched in 2022. Our aim is to encourage members of the community to row her on a regular basis.
Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings have, so far, been the best time to row, but this could develop as more people get involved. If you are interested in joining us to row please contact - try-outs in the skiff are welcomed but once you’re coming regularly we will ask you to join the club - contact - membership fees contribute to the upkeep, insurance and development of the skiff.
Please read the CBC Skiff New Members Handout before coming along for the first time as this details kit requirement and other information
If you are a Session Lead here is the link to the CBC Skiff Session Lead Policy
Use of the skiff
The skiff is intended for use by CBC members aged 16 or over as the oars and set up of the boat has been designed with adults in mind. All trips in the skiff need to get permission from the Rowing Captain and register a brief plan of where they are going, at what time and for how long
Here are a few links to short videos that may be of interest to rowers:
Fixed Seat Rowing Technique - The Catch
Fixed Seat Rowing Technique - The Drive
Fixed Seat Rowing Technique - The Recovery
Fixed Seat Rowing Technique - Handy Pointers​​